continuation,对这个东西很久之前开了个头就没再深入,晚上又拾起来看了下,也算continuation了吧。jsr 315敢情被apache sf驳了,而且是因为很扯淡的_产业政治_问题,但愿不要难产,tomcat拿起来还算没门槛一些,想改哪里都好改。
On 2009-01-12 Apache Software Foundation voted No with the following comment:
The Apache Software Foundation’s vote is based on the point of view that this spec lead - Sun - is in violation of the JSPAhttp://www.apache.org/jcp/sunopenletter.html
and therefore shouldn’t be allowed to start or continue another JSR until the above matter is resolved.
This vote is not a comment on the technical merits of the JSR. If not for the issue of the spec lead, the ASF would have otherwise voted “yes”.