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continuation,对这个东西很久之前开了个头就没再深入,晚上又拾起来看了下,也算continuation了吧。jsr 315敢情被apache sf驳了,而且是因为很扯淡的产业政治问题,但愿不要难产,tomcat拿起来还算没门槛一些,想改哪里都好改。 On 2009-01-12 Apache Software Foundation voted No with the following comment:The Apache Software Foundation's vote is based on the...


标题党了? 新年了几乎一周后才想起来总结总结。 2008这年,废话地说起来,收获还是很大。损失也是有的,伴随着有如每个project过后都会做的那些lessons learned。 其实我也不是投机商,于是损失也应该算作收获。 重温了下eva。看法没有改变。人总是无法互相理解的。所以,照顾好自己的家人。其他不相干的人,相忘。...


What good could you get from a programmer who even cannot avoidviruses/malwares?What good could you get from a country whose people endure the mostmessy road traffic?

Only some texts

Long time no blog, again. There’s simply no exciting things for me over this long period after returning from Germany. Ah, yes, except one thing: I’m now engaged, after 5 years:)I’m back to Mylyn , and am developing the habit relying on it to...