Only 1 of These 8 “Girls” is Really a Girl

Long time no blog, and I really feel embarrassed to paste a picture full of girls.This is actually from a Japanese magazine showing autumn schoolwear for girls in the year 2007. Surprisingly, only 1 of these 8 “girls” is really a girl…


Programmer: // muhaha String test = “blahblahblah”; String str = new String(test + ” is OK” + “, damn it.”); Compiles to: JVM INSTR start_warning “Alert! Eden generation, you’ll be shooted with a bunch of temporary...

Apple Ads

Apple的几个广告,QuickTime Movie格式,很有意思。虽然我认为无论Mac还是PC,在高手和菜鸟手里的表现当然不尽相同,但这几个广告还是很好玩的,而PC阵营还没看到类似的,无论是商业广告还是家酿视频,难不成是因为心虚?这里只列出高清格式的地址,广告页面有所有格式的视频。


FirefoxFlicks竞赛已经宣布了Firefox推广视频大赛的获奖视频,包括DareDevil, Wheee!, Fox Fever, This is Hot 和 Give me the soap。看完这些视频,我还是喜欢Wheee!和This is Hot,This is Hot制作比较好,而Wheee!应该比较合那些鄙视IE的人们的口味,剩下那些家酿的也很不错,只不过要做个选择的话……嘿嘿~总之也不能无视劳动人民的创意,尤其在4月30日。 如果在线观看速度比较慢,可以直接下载下面的.mov: DareDevil:...