[转载] 博客中国的本质

骂得好,早就感觉这个一直自吹自擂地网站有些过了。嘿嘿,备份在这里,趁最近还能看到:P2005-2-23 15:53:12 (未注册网友)...

RSS 2.0 Specification

摘抄自 http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rssContentsWhat is RSS?Sample filesAbout this documentRequired channel elementsOptional channel elementsElements of CommentsExtending RSSRoadmapLicense and authorship What is RSS? RSS is a Web content syndication format.Its name...

RSS 1.0 Specification

RDF Site Summary (RSS) 1.0 Abstract RDF Site Summary (RSS) is a lightweight multipurpose extensible metadata description and syndication format. RSS is an XML application, conforms to the W3C”s RDF Specification and is extensible via XML-namespace and/or RDF...

Atom Specification

Abstract This specification describes version 0.3 of the Atom, an XML-based Web content and metadata syndication format. Editorial Notes This draft HAS NOT been submitted for publication, and does not have any status; it should be referred to as a...

Java prayer

赫赫,心情好,更新一篇 摘自《CSDN开发高手》: 争吵不断的Java阵营 最 近Java阵营内部战火纷飞,原来是不巧EJB3.0和JDO2.0都几乎同时发布重要消息。顿时引发Java阵营内部各路诸侯、各个山寨一片口水混战。 三个巨头IBM,BEA,Oracle为了巩固已有的市场,当然力挺EJB3.0,策略而技巧地批评JDO2.0。毕竟现在宣布JDO死刑还早,如果 JDO坐大,说不定哪天三巨头一下子收购一个JDO厂商,立即开始支持JDO也未可知。 而 挟最受欢迎O/R Mapping工具知名的Hibernate领军人Gavin...